On Tue, 20 Aug 2019 at 10:47, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Separating animals into categories of 'exotic', 'livestock', 'native',
> 'working, 'feral' and 'pet' .. this would be area dependant.

& you could have the same animal fitting into different categories at the
same place, at the same time.

eg in Northern Australia, water buffalo are in introduced species that have
now become feral, & are classified as a pest ("exotic"; "feral"). However,
they are rounded up / harvested for meat, usually for pet food
("livestock"?); while hunters can pay to go on guided hunts to shoot them

Kangaroos in many areas of the world would be 'exotic' in some others
> 'native', yet to see 'livestock' but there is hope.

To a professional roo shooter? Yes, could be "livestock"?


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