*I wish to amend the Wiki to explain that destination_sign relations can
also be used for pedestrian and indoor routing, not just at "crossroads".
Does that require opening a discussion in the discussion page, or may I
just go ahead ?*

I think you're reading too much into the single word "crossroads" in the
introduction. Perhaps the simplest solution is simply to add an explanation
along these lines:

"A crossroads for purposes of this tag is the intersection of two or more
highways, including pedestrian ways, cycleways, etc."

Although personally I think that's already implied.

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 10:20 AM Jez Nicholson <jez.nichol...@gmail.com>

> FYI, Antoine is referring to
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:destination_sign and there
> are 66,391 currently in OSM.
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 8:31 AM Antoine Riche via Tagging <
> tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> We are working with SNCF, the french railway company, to provide
>> pedestrian navigation inside and around railway stations in the Greater
>> Paris area. A dedicated routing engine, which provides indoor/outdoor
>> navigation and supports area routing, has been developed – this will be
>> presented during SOTM in Heidelberg.
>> In order to improve the user experience, we want to provide walking
>> instructions such as "take the exit 'Rue de Londres'" or "Walk through the
>> gate labelled 'Northern lines'" rather than "Walk 75 metres then turn
>> left". Our problem is that such waypoints may have a different name
>> depending on the direction you cross them. The solution we used is to
>> create, when there is such an ambiguity, two destination_sign relations
>> pointing to the same 'intersection' member, one for each direction with the
>> 'from' and 'to' members swapped. Here is an example at Juvisy station : the
>> entrance named 'Accès Danton' when walking in (
>> https://www.osm.org/relation/9471596) is named 'Quartier Seine' when
>> walking out (https://www.osm.org/relation/9471597).
>> I wish to amend the Wiki to explain that destination_sign relations can
>> also be used for pedestrian and indoor routing, not just at "crossroads".
>> Does that require opening a discussion in the discussion page, or may I
>> just go ahead ?
>> Now since the routing engine supports area routing, we need to loosen
>> some constraints on the members, that are documented on the wiki and
>> enforced by the JOSM validator :
>> 1/ allow areas for the 'from' and 'to' members, as in this example :
>> https://www.osm.org/relation/9722912
>> 2/ allow multiple 'intersection' members, so that multiple doors can be
>> referenced by a single relation – example in Gare Montparnasse :
>> https://www.osm.org/relation/9823029
>> 3/ allow multiple 'to' members, so that the same relation can point to
>> both a line and an area, and cover linear and area routing (no example but
>> I could create one).
>> Are there objections to this proposal ? Do you recommend to open this
>> subject on the Discussion page or is it best discussing it on this list ?
>> Regards,
>> Antoine.
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