Thank for your reponses so far. Any views on loosening the constraints on member types and cardinalities ?

Le 05/09/2019 à 19:33, yo paseopor a écrit :
Using established is the best way, but look at this, it could be useful

It covers all kind of traffic signs, also destination traffic signs, so it would be useful for a pedestrian destination traffic sign description and your routing subject.

Salut i mapes (Health and maps)

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 9:31 AM Antoine Riche via Tagging < <>> wrote:


    We are working with SNCF, the french railway company, to provide
    pedestrian navigation inside and around railway stations in the
    Greater Paris area. A dedicated routing engine, which provides
    indoor/outdoor navigation and supports area routing, has been
    developed – this will be presented during SOTM in Heidelberg.

    In order to improve the user experience, we want to provide
    walking instructions such as "take the exit 'Rue de Londres'" or
    "Walk through the gate labelled 'Northern lines'" rather than
    "Walk 75 metres then turn left". Our problem is that such
    waypoints may have a different name depending on the direction you
    cross them. The solution we used is to create, when there is such
    an ambiguity, two destination_sign relations pointing to the same
    'intersection' member, one for each direction with the 'from' and
    'to' members swapped. Here is an example at Juvisy station : the
    entrance named 'Accès Danton' when walking in
    ( is named 'Quartier Seine'
    when walking out (

    I wish to amend the Wiki to explain that destination_sign
    relations can also be used for pedestrian and indoor routing, not
    just at "crossroads". Does that require opening a discussion in
    the discussion page, or may I just go ahead ?

    Now since the routing engine supports area routing, we need to
    loosen some constraints on the members, that are documented on the
    wiki and enforced by the JOSM validator :
    1/ allow areas for the 'from' and 'to' members, as in this example
    2/ allow multiple 'intersection' members, so that multiple doors
    can be referenced by a single relation – example in Gare
    Montparnasse :
    3/ allow multiple 'to' members, so that the same relation can
    point to both a line and an area, and cover linear and area
    routing (no example but I could create one).

    Are there objections to this proposal ? Do you recommend to open
    this subject on the Discussion page or is it best discussing it on
    this list ?


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