"you don't know if GA is supported or not."

I'm not sure how to find this out. I mean, it's obvious enough when
you go to a small aerodrome and see lots of little private planes
which are not branded as a part of an airline that it's
general_aviation, but if you go to a big international airport there
might be some general_aviation stuff way off in a corner that you
won't even notice from the passenger terminal.

>  is a one-off charter flight also "commercial"

No, that's general aviation.

Commercial Air Transport of passengers = scheduled Airline flights
with tickets sold to the general public.

> Airports don't need to have their own buildings for customs/immigration

In theory? But in practice international airports have facilities to
check baggage and check passports. We are looking for a definition
that an ordinary person will understand. That's why I was focused on
"are there scheduled flights to another country? Can I call up the
airline or go to the ticket office or search online and buy a ticket
for next month?"

I think that's what most database users will want to know, and it's
also the definition of "international airport' that local people will
probably usually understand.

There's certainly some risk that aerodrome=international currently
includes places that have "international" in the name of the airport,
though they haven't had a scheduled passenger flight to an
international destination for years, so that would be a point in favor
of "international_flights=yes/no" instead.

- Joseph

On 9/10/19, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/09/2019 11:28, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
>>> That seems like a bad idea because aerodrome:type is one of the ways
>>> that mappers distinguish between military and non-military airfields.
>> military=airfield + landuse=military is the standard way to do this.
> I wasn't making any comment about what may or may not be the "standard"
> way to do this; just saying that aerodrome:type is one of the ways that
> mappers distinguish between military and non-military airfields.
> Compare:
> https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/McF
> https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/McE
> https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/McG
> You'll notice that in that area (and I'm sure elsewhere) that there are
> edge cases - "military=airfield + landuse=military" won't exclude
> Cambeltown, which has the old IATA code in OSM but isn't currently
> landuse=military.
> You didn't mention military at all in your initial email, which seems
> like an omission.
> Best Regards,
> Andy
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