On Tuesday 10 September 2019, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> I've started a new proposal for Key:aerodrome.
> See
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Key:aerodrome

The problem with this kind of tag is that while it can be in principle a 
verifiable tag - provided that the suggested values are clearly defined 
this way it is still an aggregate score designed for usefulness for 
certain data users rather than for good mappability.

An example:

In Germany civil airfields are classified by law 
into "Verkehrslandeplätze", "Sonderlandeplätze" 
and "Segelfluggelände".  "Verkehrslandeplätze" is pretty much the same 
as aerodrome=general_aviation - i.e. can be used by pilots without 
prior permission by the operator.  However "Sonderlandeplätze" is not 
the same as aerodrome=private - there are SLP that qualify as 
aerodrome=commercial because they have regular commercial flights.

In short:  Many of your suggested values are based on properties that 
are independent of each other.  It would be more useful for the data 
user and easier to map for the mapper to document these separately.

Specifically i see:

* presence and nature of regular passenger flight service
* openness to public from the air
* access restrictions on the ground
* presence of services for airplanes
* surface and length of the runway

And not in the proposal but a useful property:

* restrictions to certain types of planes (like non-motorized gliders)

Christoph Hormann

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