Am Fr., 13. Sept. 2019 um 14:09 Uhr schrieb Paul Allen <>:

> In British English (which OSM generally uses) "bulk" means "being large
> in size, mass or
> volume (of goods, etc.)."  See

it also means "Unpackaged goods when transported in large volumes, e.g.
coal, ore or grain."
same link for reference. (e.g. bulk cargo).

I agree that we need a tag to indicate what you think of as bulk
purchasing, that is where

> you bring your own container.  I'm not sure if there's a
> generally-accepted term for this
> in British English yet.  I've seen "zero waste" (misleading, because it's
> not zero) and
> "unpackaged" (also misleading as it is in a package, just not a package
> that you can
> take away) as well as "bring your own container."  There are also "plastic
> free"
> shops, but that doesn't necessarily mean the same thing, although there is
> quite
> a lot of overlap.

IMHO "unpackaged" isn't misleading if you see it as buying a product
without a packaging. It doesn't mean the product has never been packaged,
but you won't get a packaging when buying it.
I would restricting the definition of "bulk_purchase" for places where you
have to buy huge quantities and introduce a new qualifier, like
"sells_unpackaged" or "unpackaged_purchase" for the other.

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