Am 18.09.2019 um 09:37 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> sent from a phone
>> On 18. Sep 2019, at 09:22, Simon Poole <> wrote:
>> My point was more that you should ignore the shop classification and
>> assume that that this is simply facility that in some form provides
>> access to clothes washing machines and space, because even a completely
>> normal laundromat facility is not a shop. In hindsight it should have
>> always been amenity=laundry (or similar) but that is a done deal.
> IMHO we shouldn’t ignore classifications. It would be easier to follow your 
> argument if the tag was indeed amenity=laundry but as it isn’t, the tag 
> should be used for what in OpenStreetMap is a shop (a business selling goods 
> or services)

Then nearly all amenities and leisure objects would be shops, consider
for example amentity=toilets Which, as you likely know :-), exist both
in free and paid versions. Providing access to a facility for use,
regardless if free or not, is not a shop, not even in OSM.


> Cheers Martin 
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