On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 at 14:58, Vɑdɪm <vadp.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You're assuming here some default features of a crossing which is not
> railway=crossing is about. It's a mere indication that a crossing exists at
> a specific location along the railway=* way. [...]

You're right. In that case, it probably makes most sense to use only
railway=crossing and drop the others (as Richard suggested).

> The thing is that if even if tramway track is embedded into a roadbed and it
> looks obvious at the Mapnik in the OSM they are usually mapped as separate
> ways. Crossing of each of them are separate nodes: one at the
> highway=something another one at the railway=something.

The problem here is that pedestrians are routed along the highway=*
way and, as you wrote, tram tracks are usually (unfortunately) mapped
as separate ways. Consequently, the railway=crossing node is
disconnected from the highway=* way with the highway=crossing node
(that is, on another way). Therefore a router doesn't know that trams
also pass this pedestrian crossing (except if pavements and pedestrian
crossings are mapped as separate ways, which, however, has other


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