It would make sense to use man_made=gantry as the main feature tag +
traffic_sign=variable_message to specify what is on the gantry.


On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 8:23 PM Jonathon Rossi <> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 8:01 PM Warin <> wrote:
>> The sign can display various messages - so variable message fits.
>> Traffic sign also fits - the travelling time to another place reflects
>> the traffic density, and vehicle crashes are traffic warnings ..
>> I think traffic_sign=variable_message is good for the feature you report.
> +1 for traffic_sign=variable_message
> In many jurisdictions road users must obey messages on these signs,
> including speed reductions (e.g. caused by weather), closed lanes (e.g.
> crash), and closed motorway exits/detours. Similar to these pixel based
> Variable Message Signs, there are what is usually referred to as a
> Changeable Message Sign which has a fixed set of messages (2-4) where
> narrow sections will rotate to display a message, usually used for closing
> rural roads without power, a solar panel will drive the sections to rotate
> into place.
> VMS are often used to display travel time messages so they do something
> useful until there is a higher priority message for motorists.
> In the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) industry there are also a bunch
> of others specialised electronic signs, including Variable Speed Limit
> signs (dynamic speed with the option of a flashing annulus/red circle, used
> either pole mounted on either side of the road or on a gantry above lanes,
> also used in school zones), and Lane Use/Control Signals (displaying the
> permitted usage of a lane usually mounted above the lane, i.e. open,
> closed, or indicating you need to merge, on motorways especially with tidal
> flow/reversible lanes).
> --
> Jono
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