> On Nov 12, 2019, at 10:26 AM, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> If you are mapping an area, as in this case, just use a closed way or 
> multipolygon.

How would a closed way (area polygon) denote “top” and “Bottom”? 

if embankments can be easily expressed as a single simple polygon, how data 
users infer “top” and "bottom” from that is beyond me. 

That is the issue: I don’t understand how a polygon would represent that, and I 
think those two different pieces of mapping need to be explicitly tagged. 

Perhaps it is because while I have 3000+ edits, I rarely use relations or other 
complex mapping data structures, nor understand exactly what data consumers can 
infer from data vs what they need explicitly tagged to be useful (as I am not a 
data user) - but I assume that “top” and "Bottom” are difficult to infer, as 
slope data needs to be explicitly tagged to ways. 

I thought that the way (man_made=embankment [top]) + a polygon to represent the 
bank (area:man_made=embankment) would, together, represent the top and the area 
of the embankment, allowing inference of the direction of the slope. Perhaps an 
additional line for “bottom” would be necessary too. 

Two embankments would represent the slopes of the levee, while the 
man_made=dyke way would represent the path of the protection structure as a 
whole, as the embankments (particularly the outer one) are not continuous - but 
the levee (as a complete structure) is continuous. 

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