On 10/12/19 17:33, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
I'm voting "no" because I do not see any discussion of this proposal
at this mailing list or on the wiki. Has it been discussed somewhere
else? The definition is not clear to me.

The page says this is for mapping a "piece of equipment allowing to
connect individuals and households to telecom local loops. They are
often installed in the street, basements or on top of poles." That's a
vague definition, though perhaps I do not know enough about telecom
local loops.

But the linked page (722-12-19) has a different definition for
distribution point: "the final point in the local line network from
which pairs are run to individual subscribers's premises". I"m not
sure what a "pair" is here.

Pair or twisted pair are two wires that go to a phone or phones.
Very common for phones only to use 2 wires (a pair), despite the 4 wire 

Far more frequent and obvious here are 'pillars' where many pairs come together 
 to be joined to a main line going to the exchange.
However this is changing with internet connections.
Now the home phone goes to a box in the home .. and that connects to the 
internet, even if the home does not want the internet the phone goes out over 

Some of these pillars now look to be optical fibre rather than pairs.

For pillars and other telecom infrastructure see


You will note there is no mention of a 'distribution point'.

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