Il ven 20 dic 2019, 01:16 Warin <> ha scritto:

> On 20/12/19 10:15, Chris Hill wrote:
> I have been a native British English speaker for about sixty years. A trip
> from A to B and then back to A, either on a fully reversed route or an
> alternative route, would could be described as a round trip. There is
> certainly no element of a curved or looping route required to make it a
> round trip.
> Nor is there anything in 'round trip' to exclude a curved circular route.
> Would be interesting to find the origin of 'round trip'.
> Chris
> --
> cheers
> Chris Hill (chillly)
> On 19/12/2019 22:48, Phake Nick wrote:
> Merriam Webster and some other resources you have quoted are dictionary
> for American English, not the variant of English used by OSM. Posts by
> original author of the topic on the wiki talk page have explained the
> meaning of the term in British English.
> 在 2019年12月20日週五 06:19,Francesco Ansanelli <> 寫道:
>> Il gio 19 dic 2019, 23:00 Warin <> ha scritto:
>>> On 20/12/19 01:16, Francesco Ansanelli wrote:
>>> > Dear List,
>>> >
>>> > I have updated the roundtrip page and created the closed loop proposal
>>> > in order to address the misuse of the first tag:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Please let me know what you think
>>> >
>>> The word 'round' implies circular. So a 'roundtrip' could be a circular
>> I'm not a mother tongue but:
>> Definition of *round trip*
>> : a trip to a place and back usually over the same route
> Oxford Dictionary (usually taken as a good source for UK English): a
> journey to a place and back again
> Nothing about 'over the same route'.

But also not the circular word...

>> A trip from one place to another and back, usually over the same route.
>> round trip
>> noun
>> A trip from one place to another and back, usually over the same route.
>> Idk if it's clearer why I tried to match the definition.
>> route that does not go from A to B and back along the same route, it
>>> could go A to B to C and then back to A via D. As such your rewording is
>>> wrong and does not match present use.
>>> Revert your change.
>> How about a voting?
> You may have done that before your change.

Sorry for being "rude"... When in Rome...

> As I understand it you want to distinguish between routes that use the
> same route to return to the same place compared to those routes that return
> to the same place by a different route or at least sections are different.
> At present both of those are in OSMs 'roundtrip'. Would not this
> information be obtained by looking at the route as mapped in OSM?

I think a tag may enforce it

Is there a need to add this information?

If you split a segment in future a validator may say route with
closed_loop=yes not a loop...
A Roundtrip could be simply tagged and mapped in one direction in my opinion

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