A small facility where people drop off and pick up various types of items in 
the sense of free sharing.


Thank you for your inputs to improve this documentation and make it easy to 
understand what this tag is all about. I have removed all references and notes 
to give away shops, because those are not helpful for a clear specification of 
this tag.

Thanks for the hint with the hiker boxes and the other type of boxes. Good to 
see that there are similar projects all over the world. I have included a 
section with suggestions on how this boxtypes could be handled with existing 
tags (the goods tag is already taken). I want this tag to be more specific then 
the reuse tag. I do not want to cover all existing variations with it. IMO 
someone like food boxes for example deserve their own tag.

Von: Markus Peloso<>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. Januar 2020 13:04
Betreff: AW: Feature Proposal - RFC - give box

A facility where people drop off and pick up various types of goods in the 
sense of free sharing.

Many thanks for your helpful Feedback and your support. :D

I have updated the proposed.

I like the idea of using the shop=charity icon. Maybe the icon could be a 
combination of the shop=charity icon and the shop=gift icon.

I change the tag name to give_box.
Because the name Givebox is used by a website that provides fundraising tools.

The naming was the difficult part. Why am I for give_box:

+ Give box is already a known concept in Europa with a big community.
+ I think "gift box" would be a very good name to describes the idea of this 
facility. As a self organized solidarity space of free giving/donating and free 
taking/reusing. The name "Give box" is similar.
+ Give box is not overused for other things found in the internet, eg. internet 

"reuse" is to generic, eg. someone can tag a fridge with amenity=reuse and 
reuse=fridge, to document a place to share food. But I think this kind of 
facility deserves its own tag.
I think the tag "reuse" is currently only used because there is no other tag 
for this kind of facility.

Give boxes are some kind of public storage room/space in the sense of giving 
and reuse. I think the "free store" (German "Umsonstladen") in Germany is more 
a give box as a store. As I read, even the shelf's in the "free store" 
("Umsonstladen") are brought by the community, that's more something like a 
public storage room. In a store I would except employees who eg. place the 
items on the shelves. That's way a give box is not a shop=charity or 
shop=second_hand. The idea and organization behind a "free store" (German 
"Umsonstladen") and "Give box" are the same, they differ only in the storage 
space size. A shack can also be named as a store. This makes a clear 
distinction difficult. As abstraction for OSM, I think we can use the same tag.

free_box would be my second choice. I would like to solve it democratically. In 
two weeks I would like to vote on give_box. If you prefer free_box then vote 
against it and write it in the comment of the vote. Then I change it and do a 
second vote for free_box.

Von: Markus Peloso<>
Gesendet: Montag, 6. Januar 2020 23:41
Betreff: Feature Proposal - RFC - Givebox

A facility where people drop off and pick up various types of goods in the 
sense of free sharing.


Based on the and 
the tag I 
describe a tag for facilities similar to public bookcases but with all kinds of 
(none food) goods.

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