here in Japan and other places where unwanted vegetation grows very quickly 
and/or has heavy rain, heavy tar paper / plastic or metal mesh / or plastic 
“weedblocking” sheeting is commonly used on embankments, traffic islands, and 
other places where people want to stop weeds from growing and to prevent 
erosion from heavy rain. Stakes or landscaping staples hold it in place, and 
sometimes seams are sealed with additional material (if the barrier is for 
weedblocking).  It is commonly seen in industrial settings (areas around 
factories), and in public areas around roads and other transportation 
infrastructure where people don’t walk. this is a permanent landcover, not 
temporary covering for construction, etc. 

While I admit it is rare to tag a lot of this, when mapping public areas around 
some roads, I have found more and more of it. 

looking in surface= and landcover= , I cant find anything that matches. “tar 
paper” as a roofing material is on the wiki, but noting else about 
“landscaping” or “weedblocking” is found. 

What do people suggest is a good name to add to “surface” or “landcover” for 
such a surface? 

Looking around the internet, there is a large variety of “erosion control” 
sheeting and materials (this tar paper, plastic & metal mesh, and other 
landcovers meant to control erosion on slopes), so perhaps a tag for all of 
them is appropriate. 

Perhaps landcover=erosion_control is a good tag for all of these types of 
sheeting applied to the ground. if a further refinement is needed (and someone 
knows the proper names for these things, then a subtag can be added later  


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