Am Mo., 20. Jan. 2020 um 15:09 Uhr schrieb Paul Allen <>:

> If they're sub-surface, a mapper won't see them on a survey or aerial
> imagery.  The
> OP appeared to be talking specifically of surface features for preventing
> weeds
> and/or erosion control, not reinforcement.  Visible, therefore mappable.
> Surface
> type, therefore surface=*.

I agree that earthwork reinforcement may be out of scope here, but the term
"surface" as you read it seems to comprise the first feet of earth, while I
would read it as the surface in contact with air (no thickness, just a
surface), or in other words, if the sheets are the topmost thing before the
air of the atmosphere, surface would be fine, if there is a thin layer of
soil and plants are growing above, it would not be.

Also the in the earth layers of erosion reduction may be observable (e.g.
during construction, after completion punctually, when damaged or when
digging, etc.)

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