On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 at 00:51, European Water Project
<europeanwaterproj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>    5. Re: Query regarding seasonal tag combined for outdoor water
>>       fountains. (Jarek Piórkowski)
>>   >>>>  Jarek, I think preferable to avoid seasons on open hours and put 
>> month range to avoid Northern/Southern hemisphere confusion. What do you 
>> think?

That would be ideal. However in my case I really don't know what the
active months are.

I know it's shut off in the dead of winter, and I'm guessing it's shut
down before first freezes and turned back on after thaws. But I don't
know exactly, and the temperatures/freeze dates can vary widely.

I could probably find out from the city/responsible authority, but
that raises issues with verifiability.


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