On Wednesday 05 February 2020, Jeroen Hoek wrote:
> > the semantic ambiguity of the > 350k cases where barrier tags are
> > currently used as a secondary tag on landuse/leisure/etc. polygons
> > to incidate the polygon is enclosed by a linear barrier.
> The PR specifically removes the filled rendering from `barrier=hedge`
> mapped with `area=yes` from 36665 hedges.

No, it does not, the PR removes the fill rendering of all *polygons* 
tagged barrier=hedge.  This includes closed ways with barrier=hedge and 
area=yes, closed ways with barrier=hedge and a different tag implying a 
polygon and also multipolygons.  I explained the way the renderer 
interprets the data in the PR discussion.  Understanding this and 
understanding the current meaning of the area=yes tag is *essential* 
for understanding the reasoning behind this change.

What you essentially want is for barrier=hedge on polygons to have a 
different meaning depending on the presence of area=yes.  Given the 
very specific and highly significant technical meaning of area=* 
overloading it with additional more specialized meanings w.r.t. 
specific tags seems a very bad idea to me.

> A hedge is not the same as bushes or trees.

I never claimed it to be.  What i did say is that what is mapped with 
barrier=hedge on polygons with a different meaning than 'this polygon 
is enclosed by a hedge' is elsewhere predominantly mapped with 
natural=scrub/wood or landuse=forest.  I demonstrated this with links 
to various places.

Introducing a secondary tag to natural=scrub/wood and landuse=forest 
(like barrier=yes) indicating that it is impassible without difficulty 
would be a good idea and i would support rendering such in OSM-Carto as 
a variation of the rendering we currently have for those if it is being 
used consistently by mappers.

Christoph Hormann

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