On Mon, 10 Feb 2020 at 18:32, Jarek Piórkowski <ja...@piorkowski.ca> wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Feb 2020 at 13:29, Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why are "stopping=yes|no" and "parking=yes|no" (and variants of these) not 
> > in use in OSM?
> > But the much more complex "parking:lane:both=no_stopping" and 
> > "parking:lane:both=no_parking" are in use with the same meaning.
> Because parking:lane:both=no_parking is part of a tagging schema that
> allows consistently tagging more complex values, such as:
> parking:lane:right=parallel
> parking:condition:right=no_stopping
> parking:condition:right:time_interval=Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00
> parking:condition:right:2=ticket
> parking:condition:right:2:time_interval=Mo-Fr 09:00-21:00; Sa
> 08:00-21:00; Su 13:00-21:00
> or
> parking:lane:right=no_parking
> parking:lane:left=parallel
> parking:condition:left=free
> parking:condition:left:maxstay=1 h
> parking:condition:left:time_interval=08:00-18:00

... and to expand on this a little bit: around here at least, I am
under the impression most of this parking information was added based
on streetside imagery by people working on behalf of organizations who
are interested in parking and stopping conditions. For a variety of
reasons these organizations aren't interested in sections that are a
plain "no parking" always on both sides of the street, and instead are
more interested in more complex situations. So that might be part of
why the simple tags didn't get used as much.


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