Am 20.03.2020 um 16:38 schrieb Paul Allen:
On Fri, 20 Mar 2020 at 13:50, Tobias Wrede < <>> wrote:

    I don't get your point here. Either someone wanted a package
    delivered to his residence. In that case they gave the wrong
    address information to the delivery guys.

Around here, the delivery guys get it wrong even when they have the full
address and no PO boxes involved.  The problem comes when the package
is addressed to the PO box and then the delivery guys do the "last mile"
getting it from the PO Box to the physical location, and get that wrong.

It seems I have a different understanding of the concept PO box. Around here if you have a PO box mail is delivered there and you go yourself pick it up, convenient for people who are rarely at home or get huge amounts of mail. In more rural areas I have seen letter boxes in one central point of a several km2 area or a box/bag at the next major road where mail is delivered to. Again you go there yourself to pick it up.

I must admit I fail to understand your kind of PO box. One delivery company delivers to the PO box (which address/location is known) and then some other guys pick the mail up there and take it to your home which they don't know anything about? Sounds strange to me.

Regardless of type of address shouldn't a shipment not always have the receiver's name on, too?

    But as long as we tag phone numbers, websites, fax numbers etc. I
    cannot see why we should discourage it, either.

If we're just mapping things that a paper map shows, we wouldn't map post/zip codes either.  In some cases this other information, even PO Box, is useful,
so people WILL map it.  It's better we come up with a way of doing it than
have all those people come up with their own way.

I don't say we should do as a paper map creator does. I see why we map phone numbers: I am  in an unfamiliar area, look for a restaurant on the map, find one and then call ahead to see if they can accommodate me. If it's the day before I might look up the email address and drop them an email. But I see really rare cases where I would find a business on a map and then send a letter or parcel there. But as I said I'm fine with people tagging delivery a addresses deviating from physical addresses if they want to. I just should go in the contact name space in my opinion.


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