Yves wrote:
> Inevitably, the current situation is stained by the abilities of the 
> actual renderer, and the other way around. Maybe those renderers 
> should sit around a wiki page and document how ideal tag could be 
> and how they can be used in rendering, also taking into account 
> the ability to parse nested relations or not with their respective 
> toolchain.

With my cycle.travel hat on: I already show route refs (as shields). I would
like to show route names without duplicating the ref or showing extraneous
information. I don't really mind whether the tag is name= or official_name=
or route_name= or brian= or whatever. Parsing nested relations is no
problem, I already do that.

To be honest, I'm perfectly happy to sit down for a day, armed with a bunch
of regexes, and go through the current list of names to get alternatives
that I can hard-code into cycle.travel. But that doesn't help anyone else!


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