We need to get some order into this discussion before changing wiki pages,

Designated cycle paths or, more often, designated mixed foot-cycle paths,
with the blue round signs, that are unpaved (fine-gravel or even grass
surfaces) exist in different countries in Europe.
(we have established ways of tagging)

In OSM there is a stupid mix-up: highway=path can be used for an unpaved
hiking/walking path (often shared with MTBs, gravel bikes, touring bikes,
horses, donkeys, ...) and shared foot-cycle paths (with foot=designated and
bicycle designated; paved in most cases). This is unfortunate, but so
widely established that we cannot change it.
(we have established tagging for both cases)

In OSM highway=cycleway implies bicycle=designated and is mostly used for
bicycle-only paths in some countries and for mixed bicycle-foot paths in
others, depending ohte Access Defaults.
(established tagging again)

The vast majority of ways used by MTBs are shared with pedestrians and
often with other bicycles (touring bikes, gravel bikes)
(we have established tagging for these)

There are very few (relatively) ways reserved for MTB
(we have no established tagging for these yet, and some may be wrongly
tagged as highway=cycleway)

There are very few (relatively) ways reserved for BMX bikes
(we have no established tagging for these yet, and some may be wrongly
tagged as highway=cycleway)

So let's calmly address the very few cases for which we have no established
tagging yet.
And please do not use misleading tagging for these few situations that may
have a detrimental effect on the huge majority of cases that we do have
established approaches for.

I think the leisure=track approach could work, bu let's look around a bit
I am not familiar with the tagging, but I have seen in the US designated
areas and tracks for 4wd vehicles, how are those tagged? Maybe that could
be a model.


On Fri, 3 Apr 2020 at 15:37, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> I agree with those that do not like highway=cycleway for unimproved
> mountain bike paths. The assumption for cycleway is generally a paved way
> (or at least with sufficiently smooth surface) which you can take with any
> bike (admittedly, 10 years ago I have locally seen some very bad examples
> of cobblestone tracks along the river (in the city), explicitly designated
> as cycleways (but since then, they have actually put asphalt on parts of
> them)). I would not exclude that there is some different usage, but IMHO we
> should discourage it.
> Cheers
> Martin
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