
I created the preset as we needed something to map offices of

* Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM) https://www.cm.be/ - on Wikipedia:
* Socialistische Mutualiteit https://www.socmut.be/
* Liberale Mutualiteit https://www.lm.be/
* Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds https://www.oz.be/
* there is one other

They are not insurance companies as Allianz (which was mentioned in
this thread).
According to CM (https://www.cm.be/over-cm/wie-zijn-we) they offer all
kinds of services (some kind of outreach programs related to health &
family) and even state that they are social movement.
They also have shops where you can buy/rent e.g wheelchairs, diapers
for adults, etc.
When you are injured and cannot work for longer periods, you have to
go to one of their offices and get checked by one of their doctors.

More info on the Wikipedia page:
https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziekenfonds_(Belgi%C3%AB) -- In Dutch.
It's a health fund, and every adult Belgian needs to have one.

Perhaps we should use a different tag for them. Open to suggestions.



On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 7:08 AM Agustin Rissoli <aguztin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In Argentina we want to correctly tagging offices of companies dedicated to 
> what we call prepaid medicine, by paying a monthly fee you access a series of 
> medical benefits.
> We are hesitating between these tags:
> office=health_insurance
> It has no wiki, it has 185 uses, the majority in Belgium since it was created 
> in 2013, they even have a preset in JOSM.
> office=insurance + insurance=health
> It has a wiki, curiously created by a Belgian user in 2018, it has 66 uses. 
> It is the only documented insurance=* key.
> What do you think would be the correct use?
> --
> AGUS!  :)
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