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> On 4. May 2020, at 10:27, severin.menard via Tagging 
> <> wrote:
> With this approach we would need to create a lot of new tags, eg for 
> highways. Primary, secondary and tertiary are hierarchy based and does not 
> mean the same reality everywhere

they do mean the same: a primary is more important than a secondary
which is more important than a tertiary. This is how they are defined.
There are no global expectations for surface quality, road widths,
junction construction or similar physical properties.

Take a bakery: the tag is worldwide the same, but the kind of bread is
different according to the local culture.

Even natural features may differ a lot, e.g. natural=peak. It could be
snow covered the whole year, have steep sides leading to it, or be a
relatively warm place throughout the year, have flat sides etc. It
does not mean we would have to use different tags for these.

If the definitions have been drafted with the whole world in mind,
reduced to the minimum needed to characterize the core of the meaning
of the tag (and possibly refraining from "examples", which are only
limiting the idea into a certain direction and context), we won’t need
a new tag for every local occurrence of a thing.
On the other hand, we should never "re-use" a tag that is used for
something else (according to which property/ies the tag should
describe), just because we do not have the thing that the tag
originally describes, in our context (i.e. just because it is "free").


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