Hi Joseph,

Le sam. 9 mai 2020 à 01:28, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> François,
> Have you personally hired a motorcycle before, or is the assumption that
> this is the same service based on theory rather than experience?

I've hired some before lockdown, independently as cars when alone.
I've paid someone to take me somewhere with a vehicle.

The proposal gave several reasons that using amenity=taxi was not a good
> idea, including these:
> "Motorcyles have different abilities.
> "In contrast to a family or group which needs a 4 to 6 seat taxicab,
> single travelers may strongly prefer to hire motorcycles when available,
> due to their lower cost and ability to fit through smaller spaces in
> congested cities and rural areas with narrow roads and paths.
> "Motorcar taxicabs with 4 wheels in 2 tracks cannot access highway=path
> features and narrow roads, but motorcycles may be permitted and feasible
> due to their narrow width and single track."
> So a different tag is proposed to avoid confusion and more precisely tag
> these features."

I agree on those points and they legit the use of vehicle=motorcycle vs
vehicle=car imho.
As said, we always hire a driver to get us where we want in his vehicle,
whatever the vehicle is (chosen according to punctual needs)

> A taxi can carry 4 or more passengers, with their luggage or shopping, and
> they are enclosed, heated and perhaps air conditioned, and protected from
> weather. When you are traveling with your elderly mother-in-law and her
> luggage in a rainstor, a taxicab stand and an "ojek" queue are quite
> different amenities.

We're not having an argument about making a difference or not between
motorcycles or cars
We're opposing on how making this difference.
Enumerating relevant differences between both won't lead us to valuable
tagging I'm afraid.

As shown in 2009 discussion amenity=taxi definition is not as clear as we
may think now.
This proposal would have been an occasion to make it explicit and separate
concepts (service, vehicle, activity, whatever) which is IMHO more valuable
in tagging than having less tags on a single feature.

"using amenity=taxi for other vehicles than car could lead to errors"
Then add proper vehicle=* value on it, problem solved.

> However, taxis  use much more gasoline and the vehicle is more expensive
> to buy and maintain, so the price is higher than a motorcycle. Since they
> are 1.5 meters wider, they cannot fit though spaces less than 2.5 meters
> wide, which is a big disadvantage in cities in Asia with narrow streets or
> high traffic. Often only a motorcycle can get through traffic jams and
> narrow streets. In rural areas, only motorcycles are used to access many
> mountain villages, where 4-wheel-drive motorcars would be hard-pressed to
> travel.
> Equating these features would be like using one tag to for moving truck
> rental ("U-Haul" in the USA), motorcycle rental, bike rental, and
> kick-scooter rental.

Truck rental, motorcycle rental, bike rental and flying saucer rental all
have "rental" in their name.
I would use two tags respectively for rental and for the vehicle.

All the best

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