
Le ven. 8 mai 2020 à 20:48, Phake Nick <c933...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> motorcycle are not the same type of service as regular taxi.

Then may I ask you why ?
I pay a driver to take me where I want to with his vehicle.

> The reaso  why you get the feeling of people saying "you don't understand"
> to you is because you couldn't tell others why your concern is legitimate,
> thus making it read like nonsense, even if they might make sense to you,
> thought I am still not sure about how the distinction of electric power or
> not is going to on the same level as different types of services.

There is a lack of understanding in both sides here because I don't get why
having two different amenity values is a benefit.

Back in 2009 a wiki contributor explained he's using amenity=taxi +
motorcycle=yes. Despite motorcycle=yes can be awkward as it is used as an
access tag, the idea to complete taxi service with explicit vehicle
definition is useful.
As I assume motorcycle taxi service is the same as taxicab service (change
my mind upside), I find convenient to only define extra vehicule types
instead of the whole service we already have in amenity=taxi.

All the best

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