On 7/1/20 18:03, António Madeira wrote:
> What is the criteria to tag a graffiti?
> Since there's no wiki for this type of artwork, the only information
> that exists is "A notable graffiti work", here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:artwork_type
> So, what is a notable graffiti? A signed one? A big one? An authorized one?
> There are all kind of graffitis around cities nowadays, many of them
> mere vandalism or simple drawings in abandoned or ruined places.
> Wouldn't it be helpful to clarify and build an useful wiki for this?

The one that first comes to mind is the "Be Someone" graffiti that has
become a landmark here in Houston. Something well known among the
general population, that when it gets defaced it makes the mainstream
news, etc. This particular graffito was painted on the side of the
railroad overpass, and the railroad company just left it there figuring
it was more trouble than it was worth to abate it.

However, now that I look at this more closely, I think the way the tag
is set up is questionable, as technically (almost) any type of artwork
could also be a graffiti or an equivalent thereof, though I would expect
most to be at least nominally murals. Also, graffiti could either be a
style (particularly when lettering is involved) or a characteristic of
its original (lack of) authorization to be made where it was.


Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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