On 07/07/2020 18.04, Paul Allen wrote:
Copyright prevents us using Google Streetview for mapping, but we
can use it for illustrative purposes.

Honestly, I would *strongly* question whether that is enforceable in the US (maybe it is in some overprotective European nations?). When I take a picture of something, the *expression* of the scene I capture is subject to copyright, but the *subject matter* is not. (Well, not subject to *my* copyright, anyway; something like a sculpture or building can be copyrighted by the creator thereof.) Neither Google nor anyone else can copyright facts by recording them in a photograph.

There is a related issue that the information may well be out of date, but I honestly can't see an enforceable copyright claim.

Now, that said, if you are trying to derive accurate geoposition information from Google, you *might* have an issue. I cannot, however, see an enforceable claim of something like "such-and-such intersection has a 'no left turns' sign".

Because if you followed that Streetview walk, you'd have countered 33
dwellings in that terrace.  It's nice to be able to give them addresses.

Yes, they *absolutely* should have at least individual addresses, please! My prior residence "doesn't exist" in OSM because the single building only has the address of the unit two over from mine. This makes it harder for someone to find said house using OSM.


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