
----- Mensaje original -----
> De: "frederik" <frede...@remote.org>
> Para: tagging@openstreetmap.org
> Enviados: Viernes, 31 de Julio 2020 19:16:50
> Asunto: Re: [Tagging] Rio de la Plata edit war

> Hi,
> I don't know the region myself so I am limited to anecdotal evidence as
> found on the web:
> * Montevideo clearly brands itself as having "a coast" (from
> welcomeuruguay.com: "Costa de Oro" (Gold Coast) is the name given to the
> great variety of beaches stretching from La Barra de Carrasco, in
> Montevideo, to Solís Grande Creek, ...)
> * next city east is called "Ciudad de la Costa"
> * Buenos Aires, on the other hand, seems to be mainly referred to as
> being "on the SHORE of Rio de la Plata"
> * Wikipedia entry on Montevideo calls Rio de la Plata an "arm of the
> Atlantic ocean"
> It is obvious that, regarding the official definition, both countries
> have a shared interest of defining the coast as far out on the sea as
> legally possible. Therefore, I am not sure if our usual approach of
> "letting the locals decide" will work here. Our other usual approach is
> that of "truth on the ground" and the 200km+ straight line from Punte
> del Este to Cabo San Antonio certainly stretches *anybody's* definiotion
> of a coastline!
> The largest estuary in the United States, Chesapeake Bay, is almost
> completely mapped as coastline, only changing to a natural=river polygon
> very far inland - though I haven't researched currents or salinity.
> Are there other examples of large bays/estuaries?
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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As with any terms in OSM context, we should'nt literaly translate the terms 
betwen languages because we can incurr in errors. Sometimes also between 
dialects of the same language the same word have different meanings. In this 
case, "coastline" should'nt be translated to spanish as "costa". Acording to 
RAE.es (official institution for the spanish language), it defines "costa" as 
"Orilla del mar, de un río, de un lago, etc., y tierra que está cerca de ella". 
Translated, in spanish "costa" does not mean only seashore ("Orilla de mar"), 
it could be a river bank ("Orilla de río"), lake shore ("Orilla de lago". So 
that any city or comunity defines itself as "costa" or "costera", or "SHORE" or 
any other term, is not related to the OSM coastline definition. It is also 
different from the definition of "coast" from Oxford Dictionary (6th edition 
that i have in hand), which refers to the land besides the ocean or the sea.

In some cases, like this, the wikipedia article lacks the accuracy to define 
river. The river starts in Paralelo Hito Punta Gorda and ends in the line 
between Punta del Este and Punta Rasa.

Here in Uruguay we have two "coast", the oceanic coast (natural=coastline) 
which begins in Punta del Este and goes to the border with Brazil.
The other "coast" is the river, which is why Montevideo, Buenos Aires, etc, are 
known as "ciudad ribereña" (riverside city).
The oceanic coast in the Argentina side, also starts in Punta Rasa. Those two 
different coast are very different
All this facts are clearly visible and verifiable being here. Just like other 
thing they are not visible in aerial imagery [3]. 

The motivation to not map as coastline are not political, but technical. The 
political issues were solved at least 60 years ago, with scientific consensus. 
There is no other place where the coastline could be placed. There has been, 
and there is wide consensus in both local communities (i cannot say absolute 
consensus without checking). The limit of Rio de la Plata is historically 
recognized by politics and scientists. The legal, or official definition is 
settled at least 60 years ago, by political means (binational protocols, UN 
international treaty, IHO definitions), y scientific studies. Also newer/modern 
scientific studies and papers, based on salinity, batimetry, water flows, 
sediments, mathematical models, etc. confirms what the old scientific studies 
and political have agreed that the limit of the ocean is between Punta del Este 
and Punta Rasa, so there should be no discussion here.
Besides this, in 2016 the UN extended the sovereignty rights of Uruguay in the 
continental platform for 350 nautical miles [11], but this is another issue and 
is not mapped yet. And speaking about politics, both navies pursues industrial 
fishing pirates, mostly from Asia. 

This is just a very width river, with a basin size like India, or 10 times 
Germany, it obviously brings a very large amount o fresh water, which 
influences the salinity of the ocean waters several tenths of km inner into the 
ocean from Punta Rasa or Punta del Este.

According to some people, mapping the coastline where I think where it should 
be, and where it was since the river was mapped at least 6 years ago, that kind 
of mapping, maybe some renders create artifacts because they consider this as 
inner water and not ocean. I see no problem in that, because in the aerial 
photo [3] the colour of the river is like any other river, and not like an 
For example, i linked two videos showing the clearly the difference between Rio 
de la Plata and Atlantic Ocean [9][10] 

If you choose to map this riverbank as coastline, is just mapping for 
convenience (for convenience of the renderer), to see the world map as you 
prefer to see it, but it is not modelling the world as it is.

By the way, the problem in january 2020 with the rendering toolchain fails were 
not caused for moving the coastline to the ocean/river limit, as it was there 
for several years, but were caused by a changeset which changed the tagging of 
the riverbank as coastline. 


[1] UN: Treaty between Uruguay and Argentina concerning the Rio de la Plata and 
the Corresponding Maritime Boundary 19 November 1973 
[2] IHO: https://iho.int/uploads/user/pubs/standards/s-23/S-23_Ed3_1953_EN.pdf

[4] CARP: Tratado del Rio de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo 
[5] CARP: Declaracion conjunta 
[6] CARP: sedimentos, salinidad, mareas, batimetria 
[7] CARP: Protocolo del Rio de la Plata de Enero de 1964 
[8] DINAMA. Salinidad 

[9] video showing the difference river/ocean 
[10] video showing the difference river/ocean 



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