As a person who have been monitoring and fixing rapid transit networks (primarity subways) for long I can say that railway stop_positions make more headache than advantage. Most of stop_positions look like here:
i.e. they reside on rails near the station node (adding no information) and carry bunch of station's tags like wikipedia and name translations (adding info duplication or triplication). Mappers' eagerness to conform PTv2 in respect of adding stop_positions here and there results in many errors:
*) stop_positions are created and not added to stop_area relations
*) stop_positions are erroneously converted to stations and vice versa
*) stop_position tags are transferred to another nearby node ignoring its membership in routes and stop_areas
*) stop_position duplicates corresponding railway station object (public_transport=stop_position + railway=station)
*) and so on.
All this makes subway maintenance (in state that allows routing) tenfold costly.
BTW, I could not find the definition where is the point of stop of a 150-meter train. In practice, the position of head or center is used.
Best regards,
08.08.2020, 03:55, "Andy Townsend" <>:


This is a question that actually arose out of a "how to tag" argument
that's come to the attention of the DWG in the USA, but it's actually
easy to describe in terms of data in the UK that I'm familiar with, so
I'll do that. is a
"public_transport=stop_position" for a local station and is part of among other relations. 
The problem is that train lengths vary, and there are a number of stop
positions, each of which are actually signed on the platform for the
benefit of the drivers.  From memory I think that there's at least a
2-car stop, a 4 car stop and 6/8 and 10/12 car stops.  The problem is
that the current node doesn't correspond to any of them.

As I asked on the changeset that added the one above , how should these be
mapped and how should the PTv2 relations be set up for the different
services that use them, given that different train services will use
different stop locations here depending on train length?  Should each
stop position be mapped and should there therefore be different copies
of each relation for all the possible train lengths?  Should a "pretend"
average stop position be added which is actually never correct but will
at least look nice to data consumers that use PTv2 data?  Given that we
don't know the actual stop position perhaps the railway=station object
(in this case ) should be
used instead?

Maybe the public_transport=stop position should be omitted entirely? 
This last option seems extreme, but one reading of
where it says "However, marking the stop position adds no information
whatsoever when it is placed on the road at the point closest to
highway=bus_stop or on the tram tracks closest to railway=tram_stop. In
that case it can be abandoned. " might actually support that (and that
seems to be the view of one side of the argument in the USA).

Maybe the "correct" answer is none of the above?  With a "local mapper"
hat on I've managed to avoid PTv2 since it basically isn't relevant
anywhere I normally map things, largely because I don't tend to do that
near any actual public transport infrastructure, but with a DWG hat on I
haven't been able to avoid the question, hence me asking here.

Best Regards,

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