On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 12:17, Thibault Molleman <thibaultmolle...@gmail.com>

the main use case for having multiple images on one node was for example a
store, and you've just taken random images of the store (like you have on
Google maps and other map apps)

You may get pushback from the "OSM is not a gazetteer" crowd.  So let me
offer a reason they may accept.

I have sometimes found that inspection of several images from wikimedia
and/or geograph allows me to better armchair map something that isn't
entirely clear in aerial imagery.  It is useful to make those images known
to future mappers so they don't revert my changes based upon aerial
imagery alone.  I've also identified some objects based on these
images: Foobar is at roughly these co-ordinates, there's only one
object in aerial imagery that matches it, so that's Fubar (I
do a few other checks as well, but those images give me the
initial clue).

So having more than one image for a POI may be useful for us, as well as
for consumers.

Changeset source would be one mechanism but it probably also has the
limit.  Note=* is not a good way of doing it because of the 255-char limit.
How do we get around that pesky 255-character limit without resorting to
things like image_1=* or image:1=*?  Dare I suggest a relation?

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