Hello Steve,

thanks for that wonderful and inspiring post! I'll surely think about doing-what-can-be-done-with-the-current-tools-at-hand, and think about that the work can be built upon by others in the future. Most inspiring!

And I'll also clarify, I don't expect some Swiss cartographic artwork to come out of the renderer. But I do think that OSM could go a lot further in that direction, and should strive to do so. That needs strategic high-level decisions. If cartographic renderings becomes a priority, other design decisions will follow. Now when many other factors are of higher priority, no improvement will happen.

I will continue to be a casual mapper as long as the bike routing tools I use use OSM. I'm an egoistic contributor in that regard, I do it because I need have direct use for the data myself. I also map the places I grew up in and love, and I have a specific connection to rural areas (although I live in city now) so I do work there to, makes me feel good. Some do handicraft as relaxing hobby, and mapping is my handicraft.

As I described in a different post, here in Sweden OSM doesn't have a particular strong position as the alternatives has come strong the past 5 - 7 years. OSM didn't reach a good baseline here before interest went down due to easily and cheaply accessible alternatives, so we are in a tricky situation. We need mappers and it's hard to convince regular people to contribute to OSM, "why do that when high quality maps are free?". I've written open-source software since the 1990s, so the open license thing is an easy sell to me, but to regular people the ideology bit doesn't really work. I haven't done a survey, but my theory is that the typical contributor here do it as a sort of pleasing handicraft.

To make it pleasing the resulting product should be good, and I think there is more to do there, not the least for rural areas where the naming issues is most evident.


On 2020-11-07 13:30, stevea wrote:
On Nov 6, 2020, at 1:51 PM, Anders Torger <and...@torger.se> wrote:

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