IMO the word 'issue' here only makes sense if I read your description - encountering it out in the wild, I would have no idea what is meant

The usage of issue as a verb is not all too common without further specification and goes against typical OSM tagging, which usually uses nouns as descriptors. Even then, the usage of issue as a verb is typically used in the sense of "to flow out".

Perhaps 'distribution' or 'distributor' would work? Or simply 'sale' even in cases where the fee is zero.

Simply ignoring this "issue" isn't helpful :P

Best regards, Lukas

On 01/12/2020 12:21, Janko Mihelić wrote:
I fixed the wiki of the proposal, any new comments before I start the voting again? <>


čet, 26. stu 2020. u 16:43 Janko Mihelić < <>> napisao je:

    Results: 1 approved, 6 opposed, 3 abstained.

    No one was opposed to the core idea of the Admission proposal,
    just technicalities. So we should go over them and later try again:

    1. access=admisson
    This was the biggest problem, five voters opposed because of it.
    People were asking why not the more established access=customers
    or access=permit.
    I thought about access=admission to be an entrance into the
    admission scheme, after which the router searches for the
    relation. But maybe that isn't needed, so mappers can put
    access=customer, access=permit, or access=admission if it passes
    in a separate proposal. Wiki user Lectrician1 proposed
    access=customer + customer=admission which sounds ok for when
    admission is not free.

    2. the word "issue" for role
    Three voters thought this word is strange for a place that gives
    you tickets or other admission tokens. They thought
    "issuing_place", "issuing_authority", "issuer", "ticket" or
    "voucher" would be better. I still think "issue" is the easiest to
    remember, and to combine in different tags like issue:website=*.

    Thanks for your comments,

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