2020-12-13, sk, 19:18 Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging rašė:
> New/duplicate schema with water=reservoir only launched because iD
> coders decided to skip standard IT processes of product development
> (or were not familiar with the basics of IT) and simply went for what
> they personally liked, not what was better
> This is 100% untrue, and you insult people. Stop making such things.
> For start, iD authors (also ones that made decisions about tagging
> presets that I consider to be mistakes and going against consensus)
> had no problem with basics of IT and IT processes of product development.
> water=reservoir was launched (created) in 2011
> see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Water_details
> iD started in 2012 ( https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ID )

  Mateusz, can you point out which of my claims is a lie?
  I didn't say iD invented duplicate schema, I said that schema was
lying dead until iD decided to introduce it as the only way to tag
water, introduction "launched" new water schema adding any
considerable usage (as it was the only option for iD mappers).

  Introducing duplicate and unused schema (especially as the only
option) is not a good IT decision, basic analysis should have shown
that. But in case of id it was technology leading functionality and
thus leading users when in IT it must be the other way round -
usage/requirements must lead technical decisions. That is IT BASICS.
Lack of such understanding is the reason why I claim iD developers
lacked basic IT knowledge.

> , and introduced
> water=reservoir as the only way to tag, all this at the time when
> water=reservoir usage was close to zero!
> See https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/water=reservoir#chronology
> Usage in January 2019 was about 200 000 already.
> "water=reservoir usage was close to zero" is untrue

  Key word "introduced" so it is 2012, not 2019.
  water=reservoir usage in 2012 is close to zero.

> It is deprecated by 2011 proposal, see
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Water_details#Deprecation

  The author of this proposal agreed that standard water schema is NOT
deprecated. And a few people voting in wiki cannot deprecate a tag.
Only people actually mapping can do that.

> BTW, you are AGAIN spreading false statements and claim that iD
> invented water=reservoir. Please stop doing this.

  Do not copy/paste my words in random order and you will not get such
claims from me :-)

  Anyways, there is no way I will be able to teach IT things people
who do not want to learn. Let's not rewrite the history of this saga
and lets move forward instead of repeating the same discussion again
and again. Let's do what is possible so that this does not happen

  * When tagging schema CAN be changed and when it CAN NOT?
  * What ADVANTAGES are required to allow deprecating current schema?


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