Dec 18, 2020, 17:44 by

> addr:floor is an address tag and used in -(postal)-addresses-      when the 
> floor is customarily or required to be included.
> level:ref is a SIT tag used to indicate the name (or other      numbering) of 
> a level contrary to the zero based number of the      level tag.
> While both level:ref and addr:floor can have the same value,      
> semantically they are different
Thanks for clarification! Though as far as I know in practice level tag in some 
regions is used
with 1 assigned to ground floor (I am not sure whatever to consider this as a 
tagging mistake 
or not).

> replacing level:ref with      addr:floor which is what you were suggesting 
> with what boils down      to a mechanical edit with SC, will break SIT tagged 
> buildings.
To be clear, I was not suggesting replacing either tag with another.

And if
would be implemented it would be adding new tags to objects where
level tag is tagged. It would not be "upgrade tags" wikifiddling.

 if I would implementit it would not delete any existing ones.
Objects tagged already with level:ref or addr:floor or level would be skipped
and this quest would not apply to them.
In this case resurvey with StreetComplete is pointless
(unlike case of opening hours), objects such as shops in general do
not move between floors while keeping their lat/lon position.

Am 18.12.2020 um 14:01 schrieb Mateusz      Konieczny via Tagging:

>> 1) this edits were not intended as changing anything but to          
>> document current tagging
>> practice
>> 2) how Simple Indoor Tagging is being broken by either of          this tags?
>> 3) If SIT is broken by that tags, how it can be avoided?          
>> Recommending to use 
>> level tag together with either of this two?
>> Dec 18, 2020, 13:34 by >>>> :
>>> This doesn't make any sense outside of trying breaking the          SIT 
>>> tagging scheme If you have changes to suggest do that in          the 
>>> context of  an SIT improvement and not just so that you          can add 
>>> yet another SC challenge.
>>> Am 18.12.2020 um 13:11 schrieb Mateusz Konieczny          via Tagging:
>>>> I heavily edited >>>>
>>>> and created >>>>
>>>> Please, edit this pages if something can be improved.
>>>> Review of this pages also would be welcomed.
>>>> (edits triggered by >>>> 
>>>> and done as part of survey of a tagging situation before            a 
>>>> potential implementation)
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