"Shawn K. Quinn" <skqu...@rushpost.com> writes:

> Related to this, I've been tagging the driveways inside apartment
> complexes as service, but a lot of mappers tag them as
> residential. These roads are more similar to shopping mall driveways
> than the type of road I would normally tag as residential; also note
> they almost never have names and are almost never tagged as noname=yes
> when mapped as residential. For a lot of purposes apartments are often
> considered commercial properties for many purposes (eligibility for
> city/county garbage collection, among others) even though they are
> places where people live long term.

I'd say that if the driveways are not open to anyone driving on them by
right, aren't "legal roads", and don't have names (the way things around
me that fit what you're describing), then service=driveway is correct.

(I don't see eligibility for trash pickup etc as very relevant.)

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