Accepting a particular coin or banknote is among short-living business policies 
that can change
frequently and is often harder to observe than e.g. opening_hours. Thus they 
are difficult to
maintain and likely to be outdated. In my opinion, they should not be in the 
OSM database in general.

Sometimes such changes can even have technical reasons. E.g. the metro rail in 
Berlin has separate
blocks in their ticket vending machines, for coins, bills, card to be inserted, 
cards with NFC.
They take them in and out as they like, you cannot rely on finding a particular 
one the next day.
Reasons might be defective blocks or vandalism fear on particular stations.


On 09.10.2022 21:57, wrote:
> Hello,
> voting has started for the proposal Payment denominations.
> <>
> Have a nice week!
> Kind regards,
> Michael (Discostu36)

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