On 4 January 2023 22:11:23 GMT, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
>On 1/4/23 13:05, Marc_marc wrote:
>> or nothing due the fact that the only "Mörthe und Mosel“
>> is on https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/51856
>> with a name=* in french :)
>It does have a name:de though, like other French departements - I was rahter 
>surprised to read "Großer Osten" on a map with German labels, and later found 
>out that there are indeed German tourist guides for this part of France that 
>carry this name.
>It is not always easy to determine whether a name is (a) harmless and in use, 
>(b) a silly translation that has no basis in reality ("pont neuf" = "Neue 

Reminds me that I discovered name:en='Arch of Triumph' added by a mapbox 
mapper. They removed it when I commented how wrong it was.

Phil (trigpoint)

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