On Thu, 5 Jan 2023 11:00:57 +0100
Anne- Karoline Distel <annekadis...@web.de> wrote:

>I personally found old, yet now maybe offensive names on OpenStreetMap
>very useful when I was trying to locate senders' locations of
>postcards written by German soldiers in WW1 from the eastern and
>western front.

But it may not be so useful for Germans traveling to those locations
and using the names on their OSM map when communicating with locals.

> No other online map would have been any help to me,

But should such names not be on OpenHistoricalMap, if they are no
longer in use.

>especially since many of the placenames were written phonetically. And
>it was another point for me to believe in OSM. I say, keep those, but
>don't willy nilly translate place names. Historic truth beats
>dictionary truth.
>Sent from my Android phone with WEB.DE Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
>On 04/01/2023, 22:16 Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote: Hi,
>> On 1/4/23 13:05, Marc_marc wrote:
>> > or nothing due the fact that the only "Mörthe und Mosel“
>> > is on https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/51856
>> > with a name=* in french :)
>> It does have a name:de though, like other French departements - I was
>> rahter surprised to read "Großer Osten" on a map with German labels,
>> and later found out that there are indeed German tourist guides for
>> this part of France that carry this name.
>> It is not always easy to determine whether a name is (a) harmless
>> and in use, (b) a silly translation that has no basis in reality
>> ("pont neuf" = "Neue Brücke", or the recently discovered Latin name
>> "sub tilias" for the well-known street "Unter den Linden" in
>> Berlin), or (c) a tactless reminder of times of occupation.
>> We shold prioritize names that are actually signposted on the ground,
>> and for those that aren't, at least require a clear indication that
>> the name is actually used in everyday language by living beings.
>> Bye
>> Frederik
>> --
>> Frederik Ramm ## eMail frede...@remote.org ## N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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