Andy Townsend:

1087 examples worldwide combined with "highway" tag where it can be assumed to be an access tag

Some also have a motorhome tag.

And some, I am skeptical about.


First, the place is Wohnmobilstellplatz, i.e. motorhome place.
And then there is a road that allows camping trailers but not motorhomes.

Second, motor_vehicle=no, caravan=yes
must mean that you can push and pull you camping trailer by hand, but are not allowed to pull it with your motorcar. This is probably not what the tagger meant to express. Maybe you could use a conditional to say that you can only drive there if are pulling a camping trailer.

confusingly there is also "caravans", which isn't supposed to be an access tag, 

Yes, it probably never means that you are allowed to stop you caravan on the road to sleep in it. So why do we need the caravans tag? There are of course camp areas where you are allowed to drive an RV, but not park it for the night, but that should be clear from the context (whether the caravan tag is on a highway or tourism object).

437 examples worldwide combined with "highway" tag where it can be assumed to be an access tag

Niels Elgaard Larsen

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