On 31/1/23 00:54, Illia Marchenko wrote:
Hello everyone,
I suggest deprecating sport=cricket_nets on the wiki and recommend leisure=practice_pitch & sport=cricket as a replacement, since sport=* generally refers to a sport, not a physical infrastructure.

What do you mean by 'a sport'?

The sport soccer, for example, could be taken as referring to the physical infrastructure - goads at either end, a rectangular playing field. Similar can be said of many OSM 'sports'. So I don't see that as being a good argument.

There are quite a few things tagged 'sport' in OSM that I don't think of as 'sports'. Some descriptions exclude completion only being for 'practice'.

It may be better to consider leisure=training, activity=cricket,/basketball/tennis/fitness/* This would clear the 'sport' problem. Note that training also occurs for things like fire fighting, I'd not consider that a leisure activity.

taginfo search .. arrr

The key 'training' exists .. and with the value 'sport' .. amongst others ... It requires a physical key such as amenity=training, amenity=trade_school.. maybe worth thinking about?

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