I agree with you, Marc, when you say the use of covered=* is kind of a distortion of the tag.
That's why I opened this discussion, because I also had that doubt.

Às 14:02 de 12/01/2023, Marc_marc escreveu:
roof=* is indeed maybe too specific.
but closed or not tank and tank covered by another object
are 2 different things and therefore require 2 keys :
a tank can be closed or open and be under another object or not,
let's not distort the covered key by saying that unlike objects,
when used on tank, it does not describe anymore the presence
of another object that covers the first.

My problem with storage_tank=open is that it still has ambiguity. Open where? On the top, on the side? Which side? This is very important in the case of storage tanks destined to firefighters. My question is: how to convey the critical information that a storage_tank (or whatever element we consider) is open on the top?

Às 18:35 de 12/01/2023, Graeme Fitzpatrick escreveu:

On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 at 02:44, Illia Marchenko <illiamarchenk...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Maybe /storage_tank=open /or similar.

I think this one may be the simplest solution.


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