Le 02.02.23 à 17:44, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :

sent from a phone

On 2 Feb 2023, at 16:04, Marc_marc <marc_m...@mailo.com> wrote:

I thought there were only open-top tanks

there are but they are called basin or reservoir

did you mean that man_made=storage_tank open=top (or whatever the exact tag) is a tagging mistake and should be tagged as man_made=reservoir ? if so, the 1st issue is a style one : this hidde the object on the major style and that prevend some ppl to use it (it should not, but it is)
or man_made=basin and/or natural=water + water=basin ?

(and man_made=reservoir_covered -> man_made=storage_tank ?)

we also have landuse=reservoir
it's a tag for the bin :
it's a landuse, so it should be the whole area dedicated to this function (the reservoir, the grassy area that sometimes surrounds it, the possible technical building, etc. until the fence that sometimes surrounds it) on the main style everything is rendered in blue confusing a reservoir with the water body it contains (the reservoir closest to me today has a larger surface than the water body, as the reservoir at least includes the structure (concrete or earth) that holds the water)

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