Le 13.05.23 à 17:41, ro...@onwheelsapp.com a écrit :


We want to add some extra tags that are important for wheelchair users:

  * elevator:door_width

elevator:door:width on an object other that the elevator it-self
but this way of informing glued environment on the POI will quickly show its limits: a POI in a building with an entrance with a small lift accessible to PRM and another classic entrance, it will not make sense to enter the width of a lift that is absent on the main entrance

same problem with the many public buildings that have an accessible entrance with an adapted button, but no accessible button yet on the lifts leading to the floors

  * elevator:width
  * elevator:depth

ok for the tag
same as in the other thread : you may also just draw an area

  * elevator_button:wheelchair          (yes, no)

we already have button_operated key [1]
so it should be :
button_operated:wheelchair  (if put on an highway=elevator)
elevator:button_operated:wheelchair (if put on another object)

take care of elevator without a button :)
button_operated=no imply that button_operated:wheelchair
is useless/unneeded/wrong

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key%3Abutton_operated


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