Le 14.05.23 à 19:59, Yves via Tagging a écrit :
everybody is not super accurate in drawing polygons

indeed, and most tools doesn't allow to request a polygon with a given lenght/width

I doubt a lot of mappers go trough a complete parking lot a measuring tape in 
their hands.
On the contrary, estimating a width from one's car

I don't understand this argument: the question is not to have the measurement (with a laser, with satellite imagery, by estimating
by comparison with his car)
the question is how to introduce this measure in osm with
3 possible choices :
either on a parent object (for example amenity=parking with parking_space:width parking_space:lenght) but that does not say
where the space is)
or an amenity=parking_space node with width and lenght: compared
to the previous solution, we gain the position of the space (and
anyone on the spot can obviously tell where he is when he parks
his vehicle)
or an amenity=parking_space polygon: compared to the previous
solution, we gain the surface and its orientation in relation
to the other objects.

I'd say yes to such a tag.
I have nothing against the tag, it would simply be necessary for the person/application in question to know that it is only one of the 3 possible methods and that, out of the 3, it is the one that gives
the least information. so :
- if they have the possibility to make a method giving more
information, they might as well do it (at least a node amenity=parking_space)
- if osm has the information in the form of area, it shouldn't come
to the point of saying "no, it must be in the form of parking_space:width" and convert or ignore the precise methods
in favour of the less precise one
and if someone were to convert a parking_space:witdh parking_space:lenght to a surface of this size, the application
would not have to regress or worse, someone would have to revert
because the application does not handle it in this form


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