Le 17.09.23 à 15:59, Anne-Karoline Distel a écrit :
If you come to a bench that is no longer there, "vandalised:" would not
apply. If the seats are damaged to an extend that you cannot sit on it
any longer, then it would.

so vandalised for you mean "intentionally taken out of service but still there" ?

life isn't all black and white :
a bench with grafiti is vandalised and yet still usable -> amenity=bench is appropriate (and the grafiti is relegated to color or operational_status or whatever)
a children's playground with one of the attractions unusable is still
a playground and yet it is vandalised
a phone box with a destroyed window has been damaged or vandalised, yet the phone may still be usable (and what's more, if you weren't there, there's no way of telling whether or not the window was destroyed intentionally or not)
a road sign with a sticker or a small piece of graffiti is still
usable as a sign, despite being vandalised.

that's why using the word vandalised as a lifecycle doesn't seem to me to fit the nuance of reality: not everything that is vandalised is out of use

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