Am Fr., 3. Mai 2024 um 14:09 Uhr schrieb Zoon van Michiel <>:

> What is the benefit of putting the breads a bakery sells into OSM? ....
> Otherwise, bread is just bread. I will choose the variety I like best when
> I get there.

That even bakers might not advertise which sorts of bread they are selling
> could be another clue that it is not important.
> If the bakery is too small to have a website, it is not special and you
> can expect the regular selection of bread for the region you are in.

I have been looking at websites of local bakeries (didn't even expect they
had one, but actually they do), and there wasn't information about specific
types of bread (other than pictures of it, and text describing the
production by artisanal means). I agree that mostly bakeries in my area
will have a similar selection of bread and rolls, by type, but IMHO there
are significant differences in quality and taste (especially the latter may
be hard to describe in neutral, verifiable terms, although from discussion
with others my impressions about quality seem to be shared, so it is not
just "personal").

What I think could be interesting and apply universally, among others:
- natural or chemical leavening,
- availability of whole grain bread,
- kind of oven (wood fired or other (typically electrical), this is already
tagged with "oven")

> To further that point: because bakeries have similar offerings in similar
> regions, you don't need to tag all the bread they offer, only maybe what
> they don't offer.

no. Really not. If the list of what they offer is too long, the list of
what they don't offer will still be much longer.

> Why tag baguette=yes  in France, it is much easier to tag baguette=no  on
> the few shops that don't sell it. The same holds for basically all types of
> bread.

there are certainly different types of baguettes in France, while outside
of France, you will typically find just 1 or maybe 2 types.

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