Hi Shaun,

sorry, now I can't debug your values - but as I remember it is not easy.

I am calculating with this ugly SQL function - for every country.

and my result for GB  - this.
 - but this is smaller than yours
( ~ 2-3 day online: )
 included : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockall - so it is strange ..

and calling with your coordinate - my result.
osm=# select get_xtaginfo('gb', -12.35,2.98, 49.47, 61.2) ;
NOTICE:  OK   R# = gb, 18 , 279.000 , 216.000 ,0.170 ,0.270
(1 row)
so the geneated image:  279 x 216  pixel
and the coordinates=  -12.35,3.150,49.47,61.470
but  I can't test ..


Shaun McDonald <sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. ápr.
20., Szo, 11:20):

> Hi,
> I’m trying to get the background map to match the Taginfo generated map
> for the GB Taginfo. I seem to be missing something from the instructions on
> the OSM wiki, as the background maps. With an earlier version I was getting
> too much included vertically.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Taginfo/Installation#Adapting_the_map_view
> My working is in
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rnO5jqZAirsFankimavetobulNE2f5MJi4Z0PA8h0Dc/edit?usp=sharing
> I’ve followed
> https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/ to
> produce a map DB.
> Map image script:
> cat create_taginfo_map.py
> import mapnik
> m=mapnik.Map(330,345)
> mapnik.load_map(m, 'openstreetmap-carto/taginfo_outline.xml')
> bbox = mapnik.Box2d(-9,49.8,2.5,60.8)
> m.zoom_to_box(bbox)
> im = mapnik.Image(330,345)
> mapnik.render(m,im)
> im.save('gb_map.png', 'png256’)
> The highway map is a good example showing the issue:
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/keys/highway#map
> head openstreetmap-carto/taginfo_outline.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE Map[]>
> <Map background-color="#f2efe9" buffer-size="0" srs="+proj=longlat
> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs">
>  <Parameters>
>    <Parameter name="scale">1</Parameter>
>    <Parameter name="metatile">2</Parameter>
>    <Parameter name="name"><![CDATA[OpenStreetMap Carto]]></Parameter>
>    <Parameter name="description"><![CDATA[A general-purpose OpenStreetMap
> mapnik style, in CartoCSS]]></Parameter>
>    <Parameter
> name="bounds">-180,-85.05112877980659,180,85.05112877980659</Parameter>
>    <Parameter name="center">0,0,4</Parameter>
> Taginfo config segment:
>    // For the geodistribution map. See the wiki documentation about these
> settings.
>    "geodistribution": {
>        "left": -9,
>        "bottom": 49.8,
>        "right": 2.5,
>        "top": 60.8,
>        "width": 345,
>        "height": 330,
>        "scale_image": 1,
>        "scale_compare_image" : 1,
>        //"background_image": "/img/mapbg/world.png",
>        "background_image": "/img/mapbg/gb_map.png",
>        // optional attribution for base image, will show up below all maps
>        "image_attribution": ""
>    },
> I can’t quite figure out what I’m doing wrong to get the maps to line up
> correctly while following the instructions on the wiki. I’m so close now.
> Would anyone be able to provide some pointers on how to fix?
> Shaun
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