This sounds like a good application for the struts framework.
It is easy to install, and there are over 1000 helpful people currently on the
Download the example and take a look.

The Ant software is used for building/compiling jars/wars, etc.  You shouldn't
need it to run your app.

What does your web.xml file look like (the taglib portion). ?


Barbara Johnson wrote:

> Hi from a new jsp web app maker,
> I downloaded the jakarta tags so I could build a web form and INSERT INTO
> and QUERY a database.
> {The JRun tags only work with textfields and I needed something that would
> work with textareas.)with
> I am making a program that will be used in an educational setting with a
> series of forms (63 to be exact)
> that will load information into a database. It will then repopulate forms if
> the user wants to change the information.
> Or it will query forms for writing out a report. This will all be secured
> with user/ password access and need to have session management.
> Would anyone recommend using the struts framework? I have never used it and
> wonder how easy it is to install and use.
> I am having trouble right now getting the jakarta tags to work. It can't
> read the descriptor file. Do I need to install the ant software if I am
> using JRun? I thought I would only have to copy the .jar file to the
> WEB-INF/lib, the .tld file on the same level with WEB-INF and add the taglib
> information to the web.xml file. I don't know whether it is more complicated
> than that. What am I missing. The error message is the it can't find the
> descriptor file.
> Thanks for any response you may give,
> Barb J.taglibs-user
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