I was trying to use the 'request' taglib, and one of the first things
I walked againts is the following. I wanted to do:

<req:parameter name='<%="annotate" + answer_number%>' />

In which the answer_number came from another parameter, with a tag of
our own.

What I try to do is reading a form which is automaticly generated, it
is poll which you can annotate. It produces things like:
<form action="dopoll.jsp">
     <input type="hidden" name="question" value='1995' />   
     <input type="radio"  name="answer" value='2017' />  slecht     
         <input type="text" name='annotate2017' value="" />      
     <input type="radio" name="answer" value='2019' />  snotterig    
             <input type="text" name='annotate2019' value="" />                 
     <input type="radio" name="answer" value='2022' />   goed     
             <input type="text" name='annotate2022' value="" />                        

So, as you see, the request parameter 'annotate????' to get depends on the value of
another request-parameter (answer).

My question is thus:

1. Why is rtexprvalue 'false' in that 'parameter' tag. It if is true,
   then it works as how I cited (with <%= %>). 

2. I agree that it does not work very nicely then, since it is in fact a
   small piece of jsp. Could I do it better? Any ideas?


Michiel Meeuwissen - NOS internet 
Mediacentrum kamer 203 - tel. +31 (0)35 6773065

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