
I've been using the mailer taglib to send simple HTML email messages
from a Weblogic 6.0 JSP container.  I say <mt:message type="html"> and
everything works fine.  I can even use the <struts-bean:include> tag to
include dynamic content.  Great!

Now I want to send a self-contained message that contains other
resources referenced by the email body, specifically images.  The
multipart/related MIME type is designed for just that (RFC 2387).  As I
understand things, the resource URLs in the main body need to be
remapped to "cid:xxxx";, where xxxx is the Content-ID of the resource in
the multipart MIME message.  I browsed the mailer taglib code and it
doesn't look like it can handle any of this.

So I have these questions:
-- can the mailer taglib created multipart/related messages today?
-- is anything in the works?
-- are there any existing tools out there that make it easy to transform
a text/html stream with references to URLs into a self-contained
multipart/related stream?

-Michael Maurer

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